Cairo Industry Days (November 25-29), CIFF‘s new industry platform recently initiated in partnership with the Arab Cinema Center, is proud to partner with EAVE ON DEMAND in cooperation with Birthmark Scenario, in opening the call for a new development Lab dedicated to writers and producers.
The 4-day workshop objective is to cover all aspects of the development stage of feature fiction film projects including script development strategies, the role of the producer, marketing and international sales, budgeting and financial planning as well as pitching.
The deadline for submissions is August 31st. All projects should have a writer and a producer attached and submit a project package in both English & Arabic through an electronic form. All details aboutEAVE/BMS Script Development Lab and the submission requirements are available on Cairo International Film Festival website.
EAVE/BMS Script Development Lab will consist of daily masterclasses (open to all CIFF accredited guests and delegates) and group work sessions as well as individual meetings for the selected 6 teams of writers and producers with their projects at development stage. The group and individual sessions will cater for the projects and their teams covering the challenges facing the talents, knowledge sharing and case studies, discussions of the group’s projects from both perspectives as well as setting a plan for following steps of the project.
EAVE/BMS Script Development Lab will combine the long experience that EAVE has in international training and networking with a tailor-made approach for film industry professionals from the Arab Region, taking into account their specific needs. The workshop will combine the expertise of EAVE‘s international tutors in combination with experts from the region.
Short Profiles of the EAVE/BMS Script Development Lab Experts who will share their experiences during the workshop:
Roshanak Behesht Nedjad (In Good Company, DE) is a producer since 1999. Roshanak also works as an expert and consultant for various institutions and training organisations such as EAVE. She is a member of the German Film Academy as well as the European Film Academy, an EAVE graduate and group leader.
Clare Downs (UK) script writer, consultant and evaluator at (Malta Film Fund), she has professional experience within the film industry since four decades. She has an extensive track record in script consulting, writing and giving masterclasses, and has worked as EAVE script consultant since 1989.
Aranka Matits (Featurette, NL) is the founder of boutique agency Featurette, which advises distributors, broadcasters and VOD platforms on their acquisitions, co-productions and strategic planning. She also consults them on the evolving practices of production and distribution, creating opportunities for them to exploit new markets.
Ahmed Sharkawi (MBC, EGY) is the Head of Content Development for Shahid. He has an extensive experience in Script Development and worked as an executive producer for some of the successful and critically acclaimed drama series on TV. He obtained his masters in Film & TV production from Royal Holloway, University of London.
EAVE – European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, is one of the leading professional training, project development and networking organizations for audiovisual producers. Working with a worldwide network of partners we are involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Arab world, Asia and Africa.
Birthmark Scenario – Birthmark Scenario is a script services and development company that aims for scouting and developing talents as well as managing those talents to provide second to none quality scripts for the film and TV market. It’s BMS vision to put Arabic screenwriting development on the international map of screenwriting.
Cairo Industry Days is the industry platform of Cairo International Film Festival launching during the 40th edition of the festival taking place from November 20-29, 2018. Cairo Industry days provides an important space for discussions, networking, meetings, workshops, masterclasses and partnership opportunities between Arab talents and regional and international key industry professionals to further support Arab Cinema.
The Arab Cinema Center (ACC) is the first mobile platform that connects, nurtures and promotes the Arab film industry, bridging it with local, regional and international festivals, markets and audiences. Under the ACC banner, and with the support of our festivals network and film and entertainment database, our aim is to leverage the presence of Arabic cinema regionally and globally, be it at festivals or via distribution and presence of Arabic cinema in existing and unchartered territories alike. Our partners are our best ambassadors, and thus we help facilitate their presence at the major festival circuits, provide them with platforms to exercise what they’re best at.