This November marks Film Independent’s fourth-year partnership with the US Embassy in Cairo and the Cairo International Film Festival. This year, Film Independent will produce a workshop focused on the art and craft of cinematography that will be led by American cinematographer Irvin Liu.
This five-day immersive workshop focuses on the art and craft of storytelling from a cinematography perspective. It will expose the participants to the fundamental tools and principles used by the cinematographer to create compelling images generated from the context of the script. In addition to demonstrations of lighting and camera techniques, the workshop will provide instructions on current workflow practices, and film analysis and discuss the creative collaboration with the director and their creative team including the production designer, costume designer, and other members of the camera and lighting departments (gaffer, grip). The workshop will also cover the role of the cinematographer in the post-production process.
Dates: November 14-18, 2022
Applicants must be:
Egyptian citizens
At least 18 years of age or older at time of application
This workshop is open to emerging filmmakers, recent film school graduates, and film students who are in their junior or senior year
Applicants must be proficient in English
To be considered for this workshop, applicants must submit:
Biography (150 words)
A statement of interest that explains why you are interested in attending this workshop (500 words maximum)